KZFrazier Drama Company
- Facebook: KZFRAZIER Drama Company
- KZFrazier Drama Company's website
- Kerry-Ann Frazier's website
- Books and DVDs

KZFrazier Drama Company's Plays:
Tempest | Losing Mama

Shiz Media Studios produced the video and DVD.

This romantic comedy explores the life of beautiful and intelligent, Tempest Dupont, a ruthless corporate attorney who has achieved every goal in life except one! She is the epitome of overcoming the circumstances into which one is born. Raised in the rural south, she vowed to never live like her mother. Her eyes were set on big city living. At age 13, she had mapped out her life and achieved every goal she set. She made associate in 5 years and full partner in 8. However, nearing her 36th birthday, Tempest is hoping to find love; the very last detail on her checklist and the only thing which has eluded her. However, she is finding that love cannot be controlled or planned. It just happens!


KZFrazier Drama Company
- Facebook: KZFRAZIER Drama Company
- KZFrazier Drama Company's website
- Kerry-Ann Frazier's website
- Books and DVDs

KZFrazier Drama Company's Plays:
Tempest | Losing Mama

© 2017 KZFrazier Drama Company